We now offer our Mach 1 Guide Book for download free of charge.

This book has been prepared to help you plan and give birth to a MACH 1 Bible study group. This book contains all you need to know about the mechanics of MACH 1, from setting up the childcare area to Bible study lessons.

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Jesus healed many people of physical, emotional, and spiritual afflictions during his short time on earth. In writing this Healing Rosary, the stories that I found most touching were the ones where the truly powerless were again made whole.

Jesus chose many approaches to his healing. Some people did not even have to ask him and they were healed, such as the woman he healed on the Sabbath. In some cases, Jesus was able to teach us lessons on how to treat others such as in the story of the foreign woman’s daughter.

This rosary is written as a group prayer, but can just as easily be prayed silently by one person. As you pray this rosary, think of the areas in your life where you would like Jesus to heal you.

Click Here to view the Healing Rosary in a new window, or right-click-"save linked file as..." to download a printable pdf file. It's another gift from us to you.



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